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4 [super easy] tips for fighting eczema you didn't know last summer

Eczema can be challenging any time of year, We’ve all been there before, at the peak of summer’s heat you are stuck with itchy, dry, summer skin.

Most of us throw on some lotion or aloe and head right back to the pool.

But the hassle to stay comfortable in the summer can be a lot worse for people with atopic dermatitis, the more commonly known as eczema.


Every year, millions of people of all ages are affected by eczema and the rough patches of itchy skin it creates all over their body.

And with summer bringing plenty of irritants (sun, bugs, chemical sunscreens, etc.)

That's why many people may find it hard to find relief at hot summers.

But no need to fear!

Recently, our Co-Founder, Dr. Ali Hendi were featured on Well + Good’s website in an article talking about ways to deal with summer eczema.

Since luminora is all about letting you enjoy the outdoors thoughtfully, we thought we should expand on this topic.  

So ...

Here is our list of tips to help you manage your skin this summer!

Want to fight Eczema? Protect! Protect! Protect!

This one should be a no-brainer (especially coming from us)

Protect your skin from the sun’s harmful rays! In the Well + Good article, Dr. Hendi tells us how in controlled environments, UVA rays can help alleviate some of the symptoms of eczema.

But the problems start when we sit in the sun for hours, and on the end will cause long term harm and leave you at risk for developing certain cancers like melanoma.

Not only will it cause long term damage to your skin, but sun exposure can leave your skin feeling dry and flaky, which would only further aggravate already sensitive skin.

There is never a good excuse for going without sun-protection!


However, there is one problem here.

Many sunscreens contain chemicals that can irritate the skin of people with eczema.

So if you find your sunscreen to be doing more harm than good, you may need UV protective garments that are designed to protect you from the sun and nourish your skin by way of its natural omega-3 plant oil that is infused into the yarn.

Water, Water Everywhere

We have a good news!

The number one way we stay cool in the summer can also be your skin’s best friend!

Water! :)

We really love this tip because we want you to embrace the outdoors, but do so thoughtfully. 

And you know what? It's not just about drinking more water

Chlorinated water found in pools can actually work to kill the bacteria on your skin and thus help in reducing eczema flares and associated infections. 

Having trouble getting to the pool?

Dr. Hendi recommends mixing 1 cup of bleach into a full bathtub and soak for a few minutes. This will also help to kill some of the bacteria.

And don’t shy away from the ocean either. According to the National Eczema Foundation, some eczema suffers claim that saltwater is an effective way to combat the symptoms of eczema.

Just be sure to keep in mind that salt water can be very drying on your skin. Rinse off with fresh water and moisturize your skin as soon as you’re done swimming. 

Keep the Sweat to a Minimum

Wouldn’t it be nice if the statement above was as easy to do as it is to say? Let’s face it.

The summer is hot  ...  and when it's hot we sweat.

Stay in the shade when you can. But for when you just can’t avoid the sun make sure you are wearing light, breathable clothing.

And when you do break a little bit of a sweat, don't panic. Keep a spray bottle of cool, fresh water on hand and a soft cloth that won't irritate your skin.

Whenever you start to perspire, give yourself a little spray and gently dab (don't wipe) the moisture away.

Water! Did we mention it already?

Well, we’re gonna mention it again.

Hydration is the key!

We all know that drinking water in the summer is the way to avoid dehydration. But just in case you needed some extra motivation, staying hydrated is so important for your skin!

Not only can it help you perform at your best, but it also helps keep your skin you can enjoy moments outdoors.

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